Launch popup in Unbounce - Individual landing page

1. Log in to your Unbounce account, open up the Page Builder for the landing page where you’d like your popup to appear, and click “Javascripts”.

2. Click the green “Add Script to this Variant” button, select “Before Body End Tag” from the Placement drop-down menu, and paste your line of script in the textbox below. Ensure your script tags are included in this text field, and click “Save”.

3. You’re done!

Launch popup in Unbounce - multiple pages

1. Log in to your Unbounce account and select “Script Manager” from the left side menu.

2. Click “Add Script”.

3. Select “Custom Script” from the “What would you like to add?” drop-down menu, name your script whatever you’d like, and click “Add Script Details”.

4. In the “Placement” drop-down menu, select “Before Body End Tag”, paste your line of Convertable script in the text field below, and click “Save Changes”. .

5. You're done!