Click-Through Landing Page and Popup Templates

Click-through landing pages and popups ‘warm’ visitors to your offering before they move you to a higher-converting page further down the funnel. By showcasing your value proposition and only asking for a click instead of a completed form, these offers make it easy for visitors to take the next step.

Getting Started-Click Through

Get straight to the point with a prominent headline and image/video, then dive into your benefits.

Referral Welcome

Want to make contact? Use this popup to invite your visitors to get in touch directly.

Location Selector

Point your visitors to a custom site based on where they’re from. (Pro-tip: more personal messaging = higher chance of conversions.)

Discount Code

Offer your visitors a discount code to encourage them to bring out the credit card.


A detailed click-through page for promoting any physical or digital product. Easily integrates with Shopify, and includes a video widget and product review section.


Flora is ideal for ‘urban’ delivery services or one-off boutiques. This elegant theme features a prominent CTA that can be adapted to any product or service.


A simple click-through page that works for any product or service. Show off your notable customers, and fill in the details with a features section and pricing grid.

New Collection

Every new product deserves a sticky bar letting your visitors know to check it out.

Set a Reminder

Sometimes, people just need a little time. Give your prospects the option of saving this offer for later (and encourage them with a timer)!

SaaS Flash Sale

Who doesn’t love a good flash sale? Make sure that your visitors don’t miss your limited-time offers with this popup.

Instagram Contest

Everybody loves Instagram contests. Get people submitting and hashtagging with this sticky bar.

Brochure Download

Have some good lead gen content like a brochure? Use this sticky bar to offer your brochure for free and acquire leads.

Local Event Registration

Whether it’s a concert or a party, your local event could be getting a lot more attendees with this sticky bar.

Add to Calendar

People have crazy schedules. This handy sticky bar reminds your visitors to add your event or an important date to their calendars.

Early Bird Tickets

Let the world know to get in on your early bird deal with this sticky bar.

Product Announcement

Does your new product or feature need a little love? Let your visitors and existing customers know to try it.

Website Survey

To promote a survey on your page, use this popup to allow your visitors to click through and offer feedback.

Cookie Notification

Does your website use cookies? Might be a good idea to be transparent and let your visitors know.

Flash Sale

Who doesn’t love a good flash sale? Make sure that your visitors don’t miss your limited-time offers with this popup.

Trending Content

Funnel your traffic effectively and promote popular content.

Event Registration

Make it easy for potential attendees to sign up for your event with this attention-focusing sticky bar.

Make this template yours using the most flexible landing page builder

Already a customer? Create a new page in the builder and choose this template by name to get started.

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