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Turn Content into Customers [PODCAST] Thumbnail

Turn Content into Customers [PODCAST]

Have you ever wondered how Unbounce collected its first leads? Or how you can make your content do more than just create awareness for your company? In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we share tactics for putting your content to work and gaining qualified leads in the process.
The No-Shortcut Approach to Building a Credible Content Marketing Strategy [PODCAST] Thumbnail

The No-Shortcut Approach to Building a Credible Content Marketing Strategy [PODCAST]

Are you evaluating your current content strategy or team structure? Perhaps considering a complete overhaul? Before making any rash decisions, have a listen to our latest episode of the Call to Action podcast. We chat with Jay Acunzo about content team structures, developing an engaging and credible content marketing strategy, the problem with "growth hacking" and more!
Hiten Shah on the Marriage of Data and Content [PODCAST] Thumbnail

Hiten Shah on the Marriage of Data and Content [PODCAST]

If you're not using hard data to optimize past content and validate future post ideas, then it's time to renew your vows with Google Analytics. In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, Hiten Shah makes the case for why more content folks should spend more time thinking about data, and vice versa.
What Happened When Buffer Stopped Publishing for 30 Days? [PODCAST] Thumbnail

What Happened When Buffer Stopped Publishing for 30 Days? [PODCAST]

The people at Buffer were sick of wondering which day of the week was best for posting, so they asked something much more controversial: “What would happen if we stopped posting altogether?” That question lead to a pretty mind-boggling experiment with equally mind-boggling results.
The 5 Skills Every Content Marketer Must Have [PODCAST] Thumbnail

The 5 Skills Every Content Marketer Must Have [PODCAST]

What does it take to be a successful content marketer? According to Demian Farnworth of Copyblogger, it takes a touch more than just dedication and a steady flow of caffeine. Learn how you can succeed as a web writer in this episode of the Call to Action Podcast.
Product Marketing is the New Content Marketing [PODCAST] Thumbnail

Product Marketing is the New Content Marketing [PODCAST]

Your audience doesn't care about your product — they care about how it'll impact their lives. In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, Gregory Ciotti explains how you can provide value to prospects without tiptoeing around what you actually sell.
Get More from Social by Doing Less [PODCAST] Thumbnail

Get More from Social by Doing Less [PODCAST]

Do you feel like the time you spend on social media campaigns is disproportionate to the results you're getting? Stop guessing at what'll work, and start using these data-driven hacks to streamline the time you spend on social media.
When Marketing Automation Isn’t Enough [PODCAST] Thumbnail

When Marketing Automation Isn’t Enough [PODCAST]

Marketing automation helps you create targeted campaigns and at Unbounce, it's even helping to unify the company across departments. But as we learn in this episode of the Call to Action podcast, marketing automation software comes with its set of limitations – and may not always be the best tool for the job.