Some of the highest-converting short copy landing pages on the web today are based on simple long-copy principles. Here are 3 copywriting tricks to test on short copy landing pages.
Being authentic in your copywriting shouldn't come at the expense of writing high-converting copy. In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we learn how being more vulnerable can help you craft persuasive, relatable copy.
In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we explore how writing an About Page isn't always about you. Then, direct response copywriter Marc Aarons shares how he writes killer landing page copy... every time.
What does it take to be a successful content marketer? According to Demian Farnworth of Copyblogger, it takes a touch more than just dedication and a steady flow of caffeine. Learn how you can succeed as a web writer in this episode of the Call to Action Podcast.
No one wants to feel like they’re being sold to – so in this episode we chat with Enchanting Marketing's Henneke Duistermaat about which words you’re better off avoiding if you want to write copy that converts.
Marketing is like martial arts. You can grow by taking aggressive action, or you can step back and target "pressure points" by finding small tweaks that create big wins. The same is true of your copywriting, so take heed of these five simple techniques for crafting compelling copy.
We no longer live in the Mad Men era, so why should you follow Ogilvy's advice when writing landing page copy? In this post, conversion copywriter Joanna Wiebe sets the record straight by challenging an old copywriting “best practice.”
Conversion Heroes Conversion Heroes is a series of short 5-question interviews with experts in the field of conversion. Subjects for discussion include landing pages, copywriting, conversion optimization, social media conversion, email marketing, organic SEO for landing pages and A/B & multivariate testing. Today’s Conversion Hero is Roberta Rosenberg Roberta is a regular contributor to … Continued
To write good copy, you need to understand the rules but be willing to break them. In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, Joanna Wiebe warns against what happens when copywriters get lazy, and challenges marketers to get more adventurous with their copy.