If copy is such an important part of persuading prospects to convert, why do marketers toss around cliché terms like “world-class” and “breakthrough” on their landing pages?
On this episode of the Call To Action podcast, we chat with Henneke Duistermaat of Enchanting Marketing about her recent blog post and her disdain for certain overplayed marketing terms.
No one wants to feel like they’re being sold to – Henneke discloses which words you’re better off avoiding if you want to write copy that converts.
Tune in to learn…
- How to carry on the conversation that’s happening in your readers’ heads.
- How to write convincing and honest copy by being super specific.
- How to make sure your testimonials don’t come across as cheesy or fake.
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Mentioned in the podcast
- Copywriting definition via Unbounce’s Conversion Glossary
- Star Trek: The Next Generation via IMDB
- Advertising 101: How Claude Hopkins Sold a Staggering Amount of Beer via Business2Community
- Ca$hvertising by Drew Eric Whitman
- The Conversion Marketer’s Guide to Landing Page Copywriting via Unbounce
- 10 Rules for Landing Page Copy That Converts via Unbounce
- Theme Music: “Gypsy Song” by the Freak Fandango Orchestra, available on the Free Music Archive, under CC by license