In this episode of Unprompted, regular host Pete Housley welcomes new co-host Banafshe Salehi, Unbounce Content Creator and Copywriter, and returning guest Saba El-Hilo, Unbounce’s Senior Vice President of Data and Engineering, for a lively and insightful discussion about seven new specialized AI tools that might make your marketing life better.

Unprompted: 7 specialized AI tools you need to try
What do a lawn mower, a table saw, and a ball pit cleaning machine have in common?
They’re all specialized tools that were designed to tackle specific tasks and, in doing so, help make our lives better. (Especially that last one—you do not want to jump into a ball pit that hasn’t been cleaned. Trust me on this.)
Following up on the popular “Try AI” episode, our three intrepid podcasters bring more marketing AI tool reviews to the table. By ranking them on the Bounce-o-Meter scale (there’s a whole thing behind that), they reveal why some AI tools deserve top spot on your “Add to My AI Toolkit” list, while others, well, miss the mark.
During the episode they also share other juicy tidbits including:
- Is ChatGPT already on its way out the door due to declining quality?
- How to provide customer service so amazing that you’ll get a job offer out of it.
- Why Google’s new Duet AI assistant can be both exciting and creepy at the same time.
Will any of these specialized AI tools help you and your team blow your marketing goals out of the water? You’ll have to listen (or scan through the transcript below) to find out.
Episode 8: Try AI—Part Deux
[00:00:00] Pete Housley: Hey marketers, I have two burning questions for you today. Where are you on your AI adoption curve and where is your company on your AI maturity curve? I hope by now both of these questions are on your mind. And that you are moving forward. Otherwise, robots may be coming for your job. Welcome to Unprompted, a podcast about AI marketing, and you. I, of course, am Pete Housely, chief Marketing Officer at Unbounce. And Unbounce is the AI powered landing page builder with smart features that drive superior conversion rates. We have big news today, and thanks to our listening audience, we’ve reached a new milestone with over 30,000 downloads. Super exciting, and we’re happy to be building this movement.
Today is episode eight and we are reprising a fan fave. Today we’re calling our episode Try AI—Part Deux, where we review a bunch of cool and innovative AI tools. Our first Try AI episode has been our most downloaded episode to date with over 10,000 downloads, and so we thought, we would bring you more tools and to be honest, tools I think I’m actually going to deploy here at Unbounce. I’m also super excited to bring back today our very special guest, Saba El-Hilo, who is our SVP of Data and Engineering, who has a really good eye, and I might add, an extra level of scrutiny for our AI tool review. But before we bring on our guest, I want to introduce my co-host today. Today I’m joined by one of our future leaders at Unbounce Banafshe Salehi. Banafshe is one of our content creators and a copywriter who has more than seven years of experience in content and brand from B2C to agencies and now the world of SaaS. She is a creative strategist through and through, working on conceptualizing marketing campaigns, white papers, multimedia projects, and so on. But I’m hoping and assuming that in the last week or two, Banafshe has played the role of AI researcher. Banafshe, welcome to the show as my co-host and what is on your AI mind these days?
[00:03:06] Banafshe Salehi: Thank you so much for having me, Pete. You definitely flatter me too much. I have to say I’ve been loving adopting the AI researcher personality. So for me, you know, like I’m a content creator and creative and I have this secret obsession with pop culture. So it’s been really interesting to see all of my interests intersect in the current writer strike, actually. So we know that Gen AI has taken over marketing, it’s taken over our lives. ChatGPT has been used by pretty much everyone I know, but one of the interesting places that gen AI is showing up, it is within the current SAG actors/writers strike. So if you haven’t heard about this, this is essentially a discussion of AI between the Screen Actors Guild and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers and now it’s one of the longest running strikes in Hollywood, which is crazy. As technology is kind of advancing and creators are faced with the fact that some AI tools are gonna be taking over their jobs, maybe, actors are concerned about their digital likeness replacing them, and writers are concerned about losing their credibility to things like ChatGPT. So now they’re trying to kind of gain back that legal and creative control. And to me that’s really inspiring as a creative. And I think it’s gonna show up in all of our careers at some point or another. And I think that future is closer rather than further away. So, I’m really inspired by that at the moment.
[00:04:55] Pete Housley: Well, I think that’s such a good thought starter for today’s discussion because we do talk about our robots coming for our job, and clearly there’s a craft out there which could be threatened and could also affect the amount of jobs in the writing community. Alright. So Banafshe, as a writer and a content creator yourself and someone who was also, you know, sensitive to AI, where are you personally on your AI adoption curve?
[00:05:29] Banafshe Salehi: For me, I think I kind of fall in the middle. Honestly, when I was faced with ChatGPT and other Gen AI tools, I was kind of mind boggled in the beginning, ’cause I was like, oh my God, this is a huge percentage of my role. How am I gonna compete with this tool? It’s so much faster than me. It’s gonna spit back results like 10 times faster than I ever could. But once I got around to playing with it, I think it came to a point where I was like, okay, ChatGPT is great if you wanna create content fast. But it doesn’t have that human point of view. It doesn’t have that level of creativity that a writer can bring to the table. So for me, I would use it in the beginning to kind of like see where I could go with it if it could inspire things for me. So I would say when I first started using ChatGPT, I was around like 25%. And now I think a bit of my creative ego is involved as well. Like I wanna prove myself and see if by adopting more kind of sophisticated gen AI tools, I could get better results or set myself apart from the competition as well. But I am curious about how these tools that we’re gonna be talking about are gonna affect that point of view. If I have a more specialized tool in my corner, I might feel extremely differently about it.
[00:06:59] Pete Housley: All right, let’s shift gears a little bit and what we try to do in each episode is just reprise some of the stories in the news. And today we’ve sort of found a few stories that really are about generally what’s happening with AI adoption. So my first news story, and I love the big sources. I love when credible media outlets or the big five consulting companies come up with a point of view. So McKinsey just published their state of AI in 2023, and their findings, fact not opinion, is that roughly a third of professionals in tech and communications and a quarter in business, including finance and legal, are regularly using Gen AI in their work. Now, just think when we started this journey four or five months ago, there was no scenario that companies were at one third or a quarter of adoption in their work and underneath that, and kind of notably, most organizations report efforts to reskill human workers with AI rather than replace them. Saba, why don’t you just give us a little bit of an overview about reskilling, because we’ve talked about prompt engineers, but tell us a little bit about how your team might be re-skilling to embrace AI.
[00:08:33] Saba El-Hilo: Yeah, great question. So I don’t know if it’s as much as re-skilling as education around the tools and just the products are coming out and how to use them with your existing roles and jobs. So for us, for example, the engineering team is really excited about Microsoft’s Co-pilot within GitHub, right? So we’re going ahead and giving our engineers and developers the tools to see what are the impacts are gonna be on the job and how it’s going to increase velocity and development happiness.
[00:09:07] Pete Housley: That’s great to hear. And I’m seeing examples throughout our organization of AI adoption and AI learning and AI study. Banafshe, what have you got for us in terms of in the news?
[00:09:21] Banafshe Salehi: So I came across this article from Vox actually, that’s talking about how is the AI boom already on its way out. So Gen AI obviously exploded onto the scene and had like a huge amount of attention. Everyone was looking at it in 2023, but some of the enthusiasm is kind of waning a little bit. It seems that ChatGPT is losing users for the first time and I don’t think any of us expected that this early. And there’s reports that the platform’s outputs have gotten less accurate and the quality is kind of dropping as we go along. And consumer research is showing that the new AI powered Bing is also not making the impact that people were expecting. And it’s nothing compared to Google’s shares of users. So it’s really interesting to think about because when you think about other tech advancements like the Metaverse or crypto, and how quickly they entered into the general consciousness, they pretty quickly exited. Also, like no one is talking about the Metaverse anymore. So there’s this question of, is the AI boom kind of on the same trajectory, or does something need to change here?
[00:10:30] Pete Housley: Well, it’s interesting. I think that on one hand, conversational AI and ChatGPT was really the tip of the iceberg. It was the pop culture, consumer facing, easy to use movement that we all had experience with, and it probably got high initial trial and settling down, but the AI boom is across so many more aspects than just conversational AI and that’s, I think we’ll unpack a little bit about that today. Let’s just segue into when we think about AI or generative AI on it’s on its own. It’s cool, but it needs to solve a specific problem. For marketers or for business users. So I do believe these specialized tools will help us work smarter to solve problems. So with that in mind, Banafshe, would you be kind enough to introduce today’s episode and theme?
[00:11:43] Banafshe Salehi: Of course. So we are bringing back Try AI baby. It’s encore time. So in the last Try AI episode, we reviewed tools like Anyword, Wondercraft, Munch. But now in this episode, we wanna be covering more specialized AI tools that kind of are responding to your more nuanced questions and are looking for nuanced solutions as well.
[00:12:14] Pete Housley: Alright, then let’s introduce our secret sauce today. Saba El-Hilo is our SVP of Data and Engineering. So smart on so many levels, and Saba’s career includes over 10 years of engineering, building top performing and innovative products. She has deep experience working with big data, machine learning technologies and web applications. So Saba, what’s on your AI mind these days? And I also wanna hear about your thoughts on Google’s announcement yesterday. What happened is that Google has unveiled a torrent of AI tools directly aimed at large business, including a souped up version of their Duet AI assistant.
[00:13:02] Saba El-Hilo: Yeah, I mean, I think that’s top of what’s on my mind coming out from yesterday and today. So I don’t know about you, Pete, but I spend a lot of time writing docs, announcements, putting together slide decks, you know, as part of the job. So I have to say, I was pretty damn excited about Google’s announcement with Duet AI, which is an AI assistant for their product suite. So things like Gmail, Meet, and Drive, and according to Google, Duet will start joining your meetings, take notes and provide summaries so you don’t even have to go to some meetings at some point. Very creepy, but also kind of exciting for me, like writing announcements or putting together docs are not technical, is not something that excites me in my day to day. So I definitely look for tools to help there. So if Duet can help me consolidate some of those products that I’m already using, I’m definitely on board. I think it’s gonna be really, for me, really interesting to see how Google is gonna handle some of the limitations with the underlying AI models. So we all know, like these models tend to hallucinate, they can return inaccurate data. There’s a whole lot of privacy and data challenges, so, the tech is so new and we’re seeing all these big players like Google and Microsoft just build their entire suites and incorporate their entire suites on top of this tech. So it’s like building a car while driving it. So gonna be exciting to see how that all plays out.
[00:14:36] Pete Housley: That’s amazing to me. I love the ability to use conversational AI to pull together data sets because my expectation of all of my marketers are that they rely on data to make informed decisions. Not everyone does know how to shape data, but they might know how to ask questions about what data would solve. And so we are seeing that Google is really stepping up to this idea as well. Alright, Banafshe, tell us how it works. What are the rules of our tool review today and what do you need Saba and I to communicate to our audience?
[00:15:19] Banafshe Salehi: So essentially, based on the first Try AI episode, we had this rating system called the Bounce-o-Meter. And where that comes from is that in our first ever episode, we did a marketing campaign solely based off of AI that was about bouncing elephants. So the Bounce-o-Meter is the system that’s covering three scoring points. So the first one is three out of three bouncing elephants. That means this tool is incredible. You should try it. Right now it’s hitting all of the marks. If it’s getting two out of three, that means that we’re intrigued, but we are not sure entirely. We would try a demo, but we’ll see how it goes after that. If it’s getting one out of three, that means that it was probably a bit overhyped or maybe it was just for the sake of the fact that it had AI in it, that it has been overhyped, could be a number of reasons. For good measure, we’ve added zero out of three bouncing elephants. That means that we need to talk to the robot that made this because we need a refund immediately.
[00:16:33] Pete Housley: Saba, how would you like to kick us off today with our first tool review?
[00:16:39] Saba El-Hilo: Yeah, let’s do it. So I reviewed ThoughtSpot. So ThoughtSpot is a product that connects directly to your data warehouse. So that could be Redshift, Snowflake, whatever your data warehouse of choice is, and then it allows you to ask questions about your data using natural language. So no SQL required. I picked this tool because honestly, if you had asked me a few years ago as a leader, what is the most important skill? And I would’ve told you, learn how to write SQL. ‘Cause you need data, you need to be able to make decisions based on data and there’s no more powerful way other than going in there and answering and getting some of those questions yourself. So yeah, sign up for the free trial and they have a demo data set in there and that you can ask any questions against. And I have to say I was really, really impressed. Again, granted, it’s a very small dataset. It’s a very clean dataset. It’s made for the demo, but I was able to ask it all kinds of different questions such as revenue, product specific questions. What’s neat is all the responses came back visualized as a graph and already ready for you to add them to a dashboard that you can share with the rest of the organization. So there’s a really powerful natural language engine there that’s allowing you to basically, in plain English, ask those questions. And in the backend is translating it to SQL on top of the data. It’s very impactful because it’s democratizing. The ability for leaders and decision makers to ask questions against their data, and you no longer have to rely on an internal analytics team to build those dashboards or give you answers to the questions that you have. But with all that, of course, there’s a major risk of like, what happens when AI gets it wrong? Now you’re making decisions on a bad data poll or a bad dashboard, and interestingly enough, ThoughtSpot has a disclaimer around that, but I’m intrigued enough that I’d actually wanna see how this performs on a large data set and multiple tables where you can use their automatic join functionality. As for the pricing, it really looks like it depends on the size of data. So you could be looking at $2,500 a month, which is not cheap. But you know, if you are a leader and a decision maker who wants to get faster insights and dashboards without the reliance of a team to build that out for you, I think this product is definitely for you and given all that, I actually give it a three bouncing elephants.

[00:19:03] Pete Housley: Wow. Coming from you, Saba. A three. That is big, big news and it’s interesting. Saba, $2,500 a month is a lot less than a data scientist and a lot less than a business analyst. So I am super excited by this technology and I’m assuming that we will embrace it in some way, shape, or form, whether that be through some of the Google tools or whether that be through this that could sit right on your raw data. So that was a great one. Banafshe, what have you been up to in your AI research?
[00:19:42] Banafshe Salehi: But as a content creator at Unbounce especially, I’m working on different campaigns for different teams all the time, from growth to product, to marketing, to sales, and even though we have our own brand style and guidelines for our tone of voice and how clear we wanna speak and all of that, it is more challenging than you would think to be consistent in the way we wanna position our products and the way we wanna position our brand. That’s when I came across Acrolinx. So Acrolinx is a content governance platform. They just want to make sure that you have clear and consistent content across all of your customer touchpoints. It is enterprise level, which does limit the amount of people who can work with the product and it is a bit more on the pricey side. You can cover ad copy, content libraries, product documentation, and basically you can also use this product for different teams. If you are the content creator and different teams are coming to you and being like, can you make sure this is brand aligned and we’re meeting our tone of voice recommendations, you can just be like, oh, this platform actually has our style guide in it, and it gives you opportunities to optimize based on that. So you can think of it as a Grammarly for style guides is a very simple way of putting it. And the way that it works is pretty simple too. You just input any sort of documentation that you have. It could give a Word document, it could be your URL, and it scrapes off the data off of that. And it gives you an idea of the brand guidelines that you wanna go for. And you can also set it based on your target audience. And then once that’s established, you can use it to write material and it can just pop into any different place you’re writing content and be like, oh, this is actually not brand aligned right now. And what I really loved about it also is that it’s not just talking about clarity or tone of voice. It’s also talking about how scannable is what you’re writing and also how inclusive is what you’re writing. So another interesting experience I had is that I inputted random piece of text in the platform, and one of the feedbacks I got is that this piece of text is unnecessarily gendered. In my entire time as a content marketer, I’ve never seen that show up in any sort of app or AI tool and the idea of an ethical writing tool or like a feminist writing tool. I was like, that is my dream. Let’s go. Super excited by that, which brings me to my rating. I would give it pretty close to a three out of three bouncing elephants. Really loved it and really loved the fact that you get to work within a content dashboard like the content freak inside of me was loving that and the plugin is great too.
[00:22:38] Pete Housley: Okay, my turn. I sat down with our Director of Revenue Ops a week or so ago and asked her what she thought the next bastion of AI powered tools or marketing automation would be for Unbounce. She unequivocally came back and said, lead scoring. So with that in mind, I started poking around and stumbled across a product called MadKudu, the AI powered lead scoring platform, which takes in your first party data. And it also references a number of third party data tools. Call them sales enrichment tools, and then uses AI to build a scoring model based on which characteristics are most closely associated with revenue for the use cases. It works on your inbound marketing efforts. It works on your product-led growth. It works on account-based marketing, and it’s literally amazing for marketing leaders, marketing operations, or sales. So it ticks off a number of boxes. It was a little expensive at, you know, order of magnitude, about $2,000 a month, jumping up to about $3,500 a month for the PRO package. So I tracked down an AE. His name was Hayden. Hayden. If you’re listening and you want a job, track me down. You were absolutely amazing. And at Francis, co-founder of MadKudu, I think you should give this guy Hayden, a big fat raise. He had studied my business and he knew that I have entry-level monthly plans and more advanced and enterprise level. He also knew that we had new trial starts that convert to paying customers. So he then explained what the hooks of this tool does is it takes all of your customer data and it plots out everyone in terms of their customer lifecycle, their revenue, their weeks of engagement. But then it looks at industry and characteristics. So it scores everyone in your database, it then can help companies identify who their ICP is. That is your ideal customer profile, and it can not only help you with your upgrades on which clients have the most potential to be best clients, but it then scores all your leads against the first party results that you actually have. So this to me is something that I’m so excited about. It also hooks into your big data system. So for example, we have a CDP. We talked about CDPs in a prior episode, but here we use Segment. And then of course we use Salesforce for our CRM and our sales motion. And this tool hooks into both of those and literally in less than 10 minutes, we would have very, very shaped data. So I am giving three bouncing elephants to MadKudu, and a job offer to Hayden.

Okay, so the next tool is called Optimove, and this is a data marketing automation platform. This one is almost like an AI powered CDP. So essentially what it does is it takes in your customer data from all your channels and journeys, call that an event tracker. It’s very similar to what our own CDP would do. It would have all the information, but then what it does, it uses that data to predict future behavior and it then has ad serving capabilities. So for example, it builds insights on the prospect or the marketing journey. Did they come through my web? Did they come through the email? What was the message that I served them? What is their preference for receiving messages? It learns all of the touchpoints that a consumer is exposed to and it understands what is resonating and what is not. And they call that Optibot. How perfect for an AI generated insights tool. So, what the tool can do, and the platform, is give you real time insights. So imagine you’re A/B testing and it starts saying, test B isn’t really working so well. Should I turn that off? Or, this campaign hasn’t converted in a while. Should I change the CTA or turn that off? So the idea of combining a CDP with the marketing go forward strategies and tactics and implementation is super interesting to me. So I’m gonna give Optimove two and a half bouncing elephants, and it’s not that it wouldn’t be a three, but I do see a number of products in the direct competitive space here. Banafshe, do you wanna give it another round?
[00:28:26] Banafshe Salehi: Yeah, let’s do it. So let’s talk about SEO. For some writers, it is the bane of our existence, but there’s other writers who love it, who love working within that structure, who love seeing that tangible results that you get once you optimize your article for SEO, and for me, I definitely fall somewhere towards the middle. So I would love to have just like a ready-made SEO guide to go at all times. So that’s when I came across Surfer SEO, which is essentially an SEO focused content intelligence platform. It is, I think, a great tool for SEO in general, not just AI, but as a tool in itself. So I went ahead and I got the most basic plan which sat at around $70 USD, which is not too bad based on the feedback that I got from it. So how it works is that you get into this tool and there’s like a beautiful dashboard that’s a content and SEO dashboard. And it’s really simple. It has two features. It’s keyword research and content editor, and they are pretty interlinked. All you have to do is enter a keyword and you’ll see amazing results. So for me, I picked marketing AI or AI marketing, and I got over 55 clusters of different kinds of SEO optimized phrases that I could use. So it was covering anything from social media to the best tools for AI copywriting, and it was all interconnected under AI marketing. So the structure of the clusters was amazing already, and the volume of the search you could pick from was insane. It was from a hundred plus to a million plus, that is like the amount of searches that it could cover. Once you have those recommendations, you could literally just click on those clusters and the content editor can give you headings, title suggestions, paragraphs you could write. Even questions you can answer in your article or even images you could use. So it was a very interesting way of connecting the two. And I think for me that was always the blocker. Okay, I have all of this SEO information, how do I translate it in a seamless way into my content? And this product really seamlessly answered that question for me. I really, really loved working with it and I’m so pumped by it that I’m already gonna give it three out of three elephants. I love this one. It was my favorite for sure.

[00:30:54] Pete Housley: Banafshe, thank you for your SEO savvy as a performance marketer. When any of my content team come back with that thoughtful an approach to SEO, it’s music to my ears. And I’m not sure what our listening audience, what their mix of direct versus paid traffic is, but our organic and direct traffic at Unbounce is about 65%. And with that in mind, then the role of content marketing is fundamental to our marketing mix and to gaining new customers efficiently. And don’t forget, we have not built our SEO over the last 13 years around AI marketing. So when someone like Banafshe comes along and uses new keywords like AI marketing to develop new content, and I’m assuming you never would’ve got that fast on your own, Banafshe. So that to me is very, very powerful, especially when there’s a new category out there called AI marketing that we actually want to anchor ourselves to. That was a really good one. Saba, what you got?
[00:32:14] Saba El-Hilo: So another tool I took a look at is Brand24. It’s an AI social listening tool. So you input your brand or company name or hashtags and it populates a dashboard for you that listens on mentions or any other social content out there that’s relevant to whatever you put in. So I actually put in Unbounce and put together the dashboard. It put it together for me within like minutes. So I was actually really impressed by how quickly it was able to index and populate all of that data, and it was getting updated in real time. So pretty impressive tech there. The AI part of the implementation is in the analytics and metrics. So for example, they have something called a sentiment analysis, which is not a really new concept. It’s been around for years. It actually wasn’t very accurate, and it’s a really hard problem to solve because especially when you’re just looking at a hashtag, right? Like someone could write something negative that’s not related to your brand at all, and then add a hashtag at the end. The tool identifies that as negative, but given that limitation and accuracy, I give this tool two and a half bouncing elephants. But in terms of pricing, it’s actually very, very affordable. So most popular plan is at $249 a month. So if you’re a brand that wants to have a really good handle on what other people out there are talking about your brand or mentioning it about it. It is pretty good for that.
[00:33:39] Banafshe Salehi: It’s really interesting Pete and Saba, because that is how I started my career actually. So around like a decade ago or seven or eight years ago, I was very interested in content marketing and copywriting, but the closest, most adjacent thing was social media at the time. So I spent many hours a day going through DMs, switching from platform to platform. And I can tell you this tool would’ve been extremely helpful at that time.
[00:34:04] Pete Housley: And that’s what we’re talking about. These AI tools are time saving to free you up for the other stuff. So when there’s a mechanical task, or a repetitive task like you just talked to Banafshe. This is amazing. Like literally Saba said, you know, you do your inputs and the info is at your fingertips and now you can act strategically and proactively without having to do that repetitive task. So that was a great point. Alright, bring us home, Banafshe with our last tool of the day.
[00:34:39] Banafshe Salehi: All right, let’s close it out with a topic that I personally am kind of conflicted about. So, competitive intelligence or a competitive analysis is something that any company has to do, and if you work within an agency specifically, that’s something that I was very all deep in. I’m not a spreadsheet girl and I was spending full on days and weeks researching different brands and competitors and putting together spreadsheets, color coded, to the most minute detail about each brand. And it was a little bit of a time killer for me. So when I was looking around for tools that would cover things like competitive intelligence, I came across Crayon. So Crayon is an AI powered competitive intelligence platform, which I think is the first time I’ve personally heard of such a tool. So I think they’re really tapping into a new space in the market that really uses advanced AI to automatically collect information about your competitors. That could be like product launches they’re having, customer reviews, and even changes in leadership. So it is using AI to basically track all of your competitors. So that is a full-time job on its own being covered by this platform, and it has a lot of cool features within it too, you get to build whole battle cards with the information that the tool is giving you, and it automatically updates you on anything that’s going on within your competitor’s world. So it has this tool called Compete Hub, which is a real time live feed, a dynamic feed that is showing literally every action your competitors are taking. And once you get those insights from this platform, you’re able to like share it very easily through email, Slack, or export it to CSV for deeper analysis and reporting. In terms of pricing, it is custom, so you have to be reaching out for an inquiry. I would give it two and a half bouncing elephants only because I’m not in the weeds when it comes to competitive analysis as much, so I wouldn’t personally invest in it on that level. But if that is a main task that you are up to, I think it’s a great investment.
[00:36:52] Pete Housley: Well, Banafshe, Marketing 101. Fundamental table stakes are know your competitors, and we as marketers need to know every move they make on pricing and features and competitiveness. Otherwise, how do we defend ourselves? We obviously keep very, very detailed records about our competitors and that is run by our product marketing team here at Unbounce, and I’m not sure how often they update it, whether it’s quarterly, but it sounds like in this case we can do it in real time. So as we wind down today, and I try to think about the episode during the episode, our theme today has been specialized AI tools, and I do believe that’s where we are going. I am going to take it upon myself to see what a specialized tool can do for lead qualification, and I look forward to going on that new AI journey to see if we can drive superior sales results and lead conversions. Saba, what is your takeaway on today’s episode?
[00:38:10] Saba El-Hilo: The curiosity is still there on a lot of the limitations behind, you know, these models. And what I’m really curious about is, as we use these products and like demo them as a first pass, really, really exciting and interesting, right? Like I think for me the question is still about the harder use cases and as we integrate closer and like bring harder problems to these products and tools, are they still gonna be useful? So let’s throw some really hard things at these tools and see what happens.
[00:38:41] Pete Housley: We could easily rebadge this entire series and call it Curious AI. Absolutely. I think that curiosity should be at the mind of all marketers and good business people, and I really appreciate you reminding us of that curiosity. How about you, Banafshe, what’s your takeaway today?
[00:39:02] Banafshe Salehi: Yeah, I think it’s really interesting because as we were talking about in the beginning of the episode, I kind of reached the end of my rope when it came to more generalized AI things like ChatGPT, and it was a little bit concerning that quality was kind of falling through the cracks, and no one was seemingly caring about that. And I think the writer’s strike was also another example of that. So, I had this slight moment of being a bit more hopeless towards the creative career paths. But I think now that I’ve played around with more specialized AI tools, I think there is a lot of value to having a person who is specialized to use those specialized tools. They are not that easy to pick up. They need investment, they need time put into them, and I think they open up a lot of avenues for content creators like myself. So I think Pete, we should change the name of the episode from Try AI to Try Specialized AI. That’s, I think, the real name change that needs to happen here.
[00:40:00] Pete Housley: Good conclusion. Alright, both. I have to tell you that I am feeling energized. I really loved the intellectual stimulation here and the banter and the thoughtful contributions that both of you had. And with that in mind, let’s call that a wrap. That was Unprompted, a podcast about AI marketing and you.
Don’t miss out on the latest industry trends, best practices, and insider tips for your marketing campaigns
[00:40:30] Announcer: This podcast is brought to you by Unbounce. Most AI marketing tools are kind of the same. That’s because they’re built on the same generic machine learning models, and they get you generic results in your marketing. Unbounce is different. It’s trained on data from billions of conversions, which means it gives you content and recommendations proven to get you more leads, sales and signups. If you’re a marketer or just someone doing marketing, you need Unbounce. You can build beautiful high converting landing pages for your ads and emails. Plus get AI copywriting and conversion optimization tools. All powered by more than a decade of marketing data, get the most conversions with Unbounce. Learn more at
Here are the tools we reviewed in this episode:
- ThoughtSpot: Connects to your data warehouse and lets you explore the data using natural language.
- Acrolinx: Content governance platform that helps provide consistent content across all customer touchpoints.
- MadKudu: AI-powered lead-scoring platform that builds scoring models to help identify your ideal customer profile.
- Optimove: Data marketing automation platform that takes your customer data and generates insights on what’s resonating (and what’s not).
- Surfer SEO: SEO-focused content intelligence platform that provides extensive keyword research.
- Brand24: AI social listening tool that tracks what people are saying about your brand.
- Crayon: AI-powered competitive intelligence platform that automatically collects info about your competitors.