So you’re a stats-driven marketer that lives and breathes CRO, LPO and A/B Testing? Well, you’re in for a treat. Here are 25 mind-blowing facts that will get your juices pumping.
So sit back, learn some new & interesting stats, take your pick of the best, and tweet away. But don’t worry, you get to change the tweets before they go out.
Just don’t change the stats :)
My Top 3?
44% of companies use split testing software. It should be 100%
Source: seogadget
President Obama raised an additional $60 million, using A/B Testing
Source: event360
Digital marketers allocating more of their budgets to optimization tend to have more success with their conversion rates
Source: Marketing Charts
Conversion Rate Optimization Stats
Only about 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates
Source: EduBirdie
For every $92 dollars spent acquiring customers, only $1 is spent converting them
Source: EduBirdie
85% of search marketing professionals will focus more on conversion rate optimization this year
Source: Marketing Charts
It’s not rocket science: the fewer questions you ask, the greater your form-fill rate will be
Source: clickz
A 1 second delay in your site speed can result in a 7% reduction in conversions
Source: KISSmetrics
60% of online marketers plan to do customer journey analysis to improve their online conversion rates
Source: Marketing Charts
Lack of resources (54%) and lack of budget (35%) are the leading barriers respondents named to improving conversion rates
Source: Marketing Charts
Most companies are employing a variety of conversion optimization best practices but are dissatisfied with their proficiency in them
Source: Marketing Charts
Landing Page Stats
Getting landing pages built and tested is one of the top five challenges faced by B2B marketers
Source: Marketing Sherpa
44% of clicks for B2B companies are directed to a home page, not a landing page
Source: Marketing Sherpa
48% of marketers build a new landing page for each marketing campaign
Source: Marketing Sherpa
Of B2B companies that use landing pages, 62% have six or fewer total landing pages
Source: Marketing Sherpa
48% of landing pages contain multiple offers
Source: Marketing Sherpa
Only 52% of companies and agencies that use landing pages also test them to find ways to improve conversions
Source: Marketing Sherpa
16% of landing pages are free of navigation bars
Source: Marketing Sherpa
42% of offer-related graphics on landing pages are not clickable
Source: Marketing Sherpa
Using videos on landing pages can increase conversions by 86%
Source: Eyeview
Roughly 75% of businesses have problem finding suitable expertise for optimizing their landing page copy
Source: Marketing Sherpa
The testing of multiple landing pages is considered an advanced and difficult methodology
Source: Marketing Charts
A/B Testing Stats
Only 1 out of 8 A/B tests have driven significant change
Source: Conversion XL
Gmail once tested 50 shades of blue for their CTA color and found the highest converting shade
Source: Quick Sprout
For 2 years running, A/B testing is the most used method for improving conversion
Source: Econsultancy
President Obama raised an additional $60 million, using A/B Testing
Source: event360
Google ran more than 7,000 A/B tests in 2011 alone
Source: Pardot
44% of companies use split testing software.
Source: seogadget