With the sheer volume of content out there, your copy needs to be great.
Scratch that — your copy needs to be damn near perfect.
The stakes are high in today’s world of mass email marketing, PPC and content marketing. And if you don’t have the skills necessary to write truly over-the-top compelling copy, you’re one, two, three… OUT.
But there are people out there who are slaying it in the copywriting sphere. Joanna Wiebe, Demian Farnworth, Amy Harrison and Unbounce’s own Michael Aagaard are masters in their fields, and prove that it is possible to stand out in a copy-saturated world.
These amazing marketers have been generous enough to share their copywriting secrets with Unbounce conference goers. And now? We’re sharing them with you.
The following videos will not only teach you the most effective copywriting principles, but also inspire you to #dobetter. Watch ‘em all at once, or one at a time to let those copywriting tricks really sink in.
3 Undeniably Real – and Sometimes Disturbing – Test-Proof Truths That Will Shake What You “Know” About Copywriting with Joanna Wiebe
Joanna Wiebe (Founder and CEO of Copy Hackers) gets her kicks teaching businesses how to steal messages from unsuspecting customers and prospects… and then use those messages to boost trial starts, installs, paid conversions and upgrades. All that stealing might sound skeazy, but tests show your customers will actually love you for it.
You’ll learn:
- Why you should test your headline and button copy together.
- Why and how your headline, subject line and CTA should all have one job.
- How to write compelling copy by stealing words from testimonials and reviews.
How to Write Copy that Converts: Actionable Insight From 6 Years of Testing with Michael Aagaard
Unbounce’s Senior Conversion Optimizer, Michael Aagaard, is widely known as one of the most passionate and enthusiastic people in the CRO industry. He strives to make the internet a better place by inspiring companies to create delightful conversion experiences from a place of data and creativity.
You’ll learn:
- What WYSIATI is and how the framework can help you craft a compelling conversion experience.
- How to create the path of least resistance from that first click all the way to your CTA.
- How to find that sweet spot for conversion copywriting — the overlap of creative and analytics.
3 Impossible-to-Please Copywriters Tear Down and Rewrite Your Headlines Live with Joanna Wiebe, Demian Farnworth and Amy Harrison
Demian (Copyblogger), Amy (Write With Influence) and Joanna (CopyHackers) are three of the web’s most prolific copywriters. All three obsess over the effects that copy has on conversion rates and brand “stickiness.”
In this upbeat and entertaining panel, our three copy maestros tear down and build up landing pages submitted by attendees. The session is filled with actionable advice on how to improve the copy on each page.
You’ll learn:
- Why your copy should start with symptoms, not solutions.
- How great copywriters find products that position them for success.
- Why thinking about your CTA as a “call to value” can help you write more effective CTAs more quickly.
Hungry for more?
If you want to get in on the action live, Amy Harrison (one of our top rated speakers in 2015) is speaking at our upcoming Call to Action Conference.
Check out her talk Is Your Copy Selling You Short? (How to Find Out and Fix It) — and many other inspiring talks by CRO heavyweights — from June 19th – 21st in Vancouver, Canada.