When you think of Unbounce, a few key things probably come to mind: landing pages, A/B testing, #CTAConf, exceptionally good looking people (okay, maybe not that one). But what about — dun, dun, dun — Canadian?
Yep, Unbounce is proudly Canadian, with headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia and a satellite office in Montreal, Quebec. Move over, Silicon Valley, there’s a new tech hub in town… Icicle, err, Mountain Range. (Excuse the dad joke.)
In addition to wishing you a happy, high-converting holiday, we’re here to dispel and reinforce some Canadian stereotypes, including:
- We are cold. Like, all the time.
- We don’t live in igloos. I mean, that would be super cool, but where would we charge our smartphones?
- We do wear an obscene amount of plaid. It is fashionable after all.
- We don’t drink maple syrup. Because that would result in another Canadian stereotype: We all have diabetes.
But there’s more! So without further ado…
If you’re running campaigns and need to get a hold of us during the holidays; we’re offering email support during our office closure! Simply send us an email ticket and the lovely peeps in Customer Success will get back to you. Check out our hours below:
9AM – 9PM PST / NOON – MIDNIGHT ESTDecember 28 – December 31
January 2 – January 3
December 25 & January 1
And while we love delighting you all year long, we’re taking a little break from our regular publishing schedule to spend some time with our loved ones. But don’t fret, we’ll be back in action come the New Year.
So happy holidays, from the Great White North! And may you be blessed with conversions galore this holiday season!