Looking for something to inspire your marketing? Just follow these 3 steps and you’ll be well on your way.
- Check out the Free Marketing Wisdom Preview. Not all 66 quotes are in the SlideShare, but just enough to give you a visual taste of what’s to come.
- Read this post filled with the best marketing quotes to make you all the wiser. They are broken down by category for extra convenience (you’re welcome)
- Pick your favorites and tweet away. But don’t worry, you get to change the tweets before they go out. Just don’t change the quote :)
Shortcut to the Best
“Don’t use big words, they mean so little.” -Oscar Wilde
“Start testing and stop arguing.” -Jon Correll
“’I love being marketed to.’ Said no one, ever.” -Jess3
Conversion Rate Optimization
“Never Submit.” -Ryan Engley
“Average conversion rates are meaningless. Switzerland on average is flat.” -Chris Goward
“What you prefer or what your designer prefers dosen’t matter if it’s not getting you conversions.” -Naomi Niles
“If content is king, then conversion is queen.” -John Munsell
“I don’t care much for best practice – I care about conversions. That’s why I test.” -Michael Aagaard
“Don’t optimize for conversions, optimize for revenue.” -Neil Patel
“Your opinion doesn’t matter.” -Brian Massey
“Where there is friction there is opportunity. Either you solve it for your customers today or a competitor will do it tomorrow” -Bryan Eisenberg
“What you prefer or what your designer prefers dosen’t matter if it’s not getting you conversions.” -Jen Gordon
“HiPPOs are idiots. Stay out of the zoo when it comes to optimization ideas.” -Oli Gardner
“Remove 50% of the copy on your page, then remove half of what’s left.” -Steve Krug
“Don’t use big words, they mean so little.” -Oscar Wilde
“Why waste a sentence saying nothing?” -Seth Godin
“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.” -Leo Burnett
“The beautiful part of writing is that you don’t have to get it right the first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon.” -Robert Cormier
Data-Driven Marketing
“That which is measured improves.” -Karl Pearson
“You have to know what strings to pull before you can becomes the puppet master.” -Dholakiya Pratik
“Learn to love the data and, for heaven’s sake, write well.” -Ian Lurie
“Measurement is Like Laundry. It Piles Up the Longer You Wait to Do It” -Amber Naslund
“In God we trust. All others bring data.” -Edwards Deming
A/B Testing
“A/B Testing is about letting the customer do the talking, without actually talking.” -Siddharth Deswal
“Don’t test the depth of a river with both feet.” -Boganzi Andrew, African Proverb
“Not enough people are testing. It’s really depressing. If we could just get more people running very basic A/B tests, the impact would be huge to their bottom line, to their career, to their status in the company.” – Anne Holland
“Start testing and stop arguing.” -Jon Correll
“Running an A/B Test without thinking of statistical confidence is worse than not running a test at all.” -Peep Laja
“I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 wats that will not work.” -Thomas Edison
“Testing leads to failure, and failure leads to understanding” -Burt Rutan
“If you double the number of experiments you do per year, you’re going to double your inventiveness.” -Jeff Bezos
“The best thing about a failed A/B test is that it kicks you in the crotch, reddens your cheeks and makes you try harder the next time.” -Oli Gardner
“Every search has a story. Find it.” -Chris Thunder
“Don’t bid more than you can afford! More often than not, the top position isn’t the most profitable.” -Aaron Levy
Social Media
“Twitter is like a bar, Facebook is your living room and LinkedIn is the local chamber of commerce.” -Brenda S. Stoltz
“Social media are tools. Real time is a mindset.” -David Scott
“Content is fire. Social Media is gasoline” -Jay Baer
“Our head of social media is the customer.” -McDonald’s
“You are what you tweet.” -Alex Tew
“I hear YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are merging to form a super Social Media site – YouTwitFace.” -Conan O’Brien
“Marketing is about telling good stories. Social media marketing is about getting your customers to tell them for you.” –Corey Eridon
Email Marketing
“There are countless ways to build lists, but trust is what builds relationships.” -Hunter Boyle
“A small list that wants exactly what you’re offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed.” -Ramsay Leimenstoll
“Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale” -David Newman
Lead Gen
“There is no black magic to successfully attracting customers via the web.” -Rand Fishkin
“Making your prospects feel like they have an exclusive membership in a club makes lead generation a positive customer experience.” -Eric Bower
“The lead generation process starts by finding out where your target marketing ‘lives’ on the web.” -Wayne Davis
“It’s important to decide on what types of leads you want at the middle & bottom of your sales funnel.” -Chris Knipper
Content Marketing
“Content Doesn’t Win. Optimized Content Wins” -Li Evans
“90% of your effort should go into creating great content, and 10% into link building.” -Cyrus Shepard
“We wrote our first blog post before we wrote our first line of code.” -Jon Miller
“The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say, ‘This was written specially for you’.” -Jamie Turner
“Yesterday’s home runs, don’t win today’s games.” -Babe Ruth
General Marketing Goodness
“The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting.” -Walt Disney
“Never let your campaigns write cheques that your website can’t cash.” -Avinash Kaushik
“Done is better than perfect.” -Facebook
“It’s always better to disappoint people up front than to piss them off later.” -Lance Jones
“Find ways to get offerings people in front of the people most likely to love them.” -April Dunford
“When all things are equal people buy price! When all things aren’t equal people buy value.” -Peter Ramsden
“We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in & be what people are interested in.” -Craig Davis
The Risk of Insult is the Price of Clarity.” -Roy H Williams
“’I love being marketed to.’ Said no one, ever.” -Jess3
“Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas” -Donatella Versace
“If you have more money than brains, you should focus on outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing.” -Guy Kawasaki
“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” -William B. Sprague
“If you want to understand how a lion hunts don’t go to the zoo. Go to the jungle.” -Jim Stengel
“The customer isn’t always right. But if you don’t listen to them, your product won’t be either.” -Oli Gardner
“The most powerful element in advertising is the truth” -Bill Bernbach
“A comedian can’t stand in front of an audience and tell them he’s funny. He has to tell the joke and let them decide.” -Doug Brown
Have any stand out marketing quotes you would like to add to our list? Share them in the comments! PS – A big thank you to those of you who responded to my Tweets, you know who you are.