In our increasingly voted-on and curated world of social networking and online sharing, quality content is key. As such, more and more brands, marketers and agencies are focusing their efforts (and their budgets) on engaging, informative, and ongoing content marketing. This infographic from Inklyo, investigates how marketers and brands are making the most of their money in order maximize their content ROI.
Key Decision Makers are Embracing Content
According to HubSpot’s 2012 State of Inbound Marketing Report, 9 out of 10 Chief Marketing Officers believe that custom content has a positive effect on audience attitudes, strengthening the bond with customers. What’s more, 8 out of 10 CMOs are receptive towards using custom content in their marketing campaigns.
Decision makers are also willing to invest in custom content. The Content Marketing Institute has found that B2B marketers are spending roughly 26% of their total budgets on content marketing. This is expected to increase to nearly 60% in the next 12 months.
The CMI has also found that both customers and CMO’s appreciate custom content. According to their B2B marketing report, 61% of people feel better about a company that delivers custom content and are more likely to buy from that company. Upwards of 84% of CMOs agree that custom content represents the future of marketing, while 59% report having shifted marketing funds away from traditional advertising in the last year in order to bolster their content offerings.
Content is Social, Social is Key
Content sharing takes place on every medium. According to a presentation from AOL, email (93%), social networks (89%), blogs (82%), message boards (81%), and instant messages (80%) are where the greatest amount of content is being shared and consumed.
Content marketing tactics are most often executed through the use of articles (79%), blogs (65%), enewsletters (63%), case studies (58%), and whitepapers (51%), this according to HubSpot.
All in all, half of industry-specific social media messages contain content sharing according to the AOL presentation; the Content Marketing Institute has found that 81% of businesses rate their company blog as either ‘useful’, ‘important’ or ‘critical’.
Quality Content Speaks to Consumers
When it comes to connecting with consumers, quality content can really make a difference. According to HubSpot’s report, 73% of people prefer to get information about an organization through a series of articles rather than in a traditional advertisement. What’s more, 90% of consumers admit that they find custom content useful, and 77% of people believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in building solid relationships.
Outsource to Improve Your Content
Don’t have time to create your own content? You’re not alone. According to the 2012 B2B Content Marketing Report, close to 55% of companies outsourced their content marketing in 2011. This number rose to 62% in 2012.
According to the Content Council, marketers are investing 12.5 billion in online content.
How big is your content budget?
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- 9 out of 10 CMOs believe that custom content strengthens the bond with customers.
» Tweet This « - 62% of companies outsourced their content marketing in 2012
» Tweet This « - 90% of consumers admit that they find custom content useful
» Tweet This « - 84% of CMO’s agree that custom content represents the future of marketing
» Tweet This « - 60% of B2B marketers plan to spend more on content marketing in the next 12 months
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