Sometimes the best way to teach a person something is to present it within a familiar framework.
Suppose you don’t understand fractions. Sure, we could try to teach you from a fourth-grader’s textbook or we could teach you with a pizza (or pie if you’re lactose intolerant). All of a sudden fractions aren’t so intimidating, and the information becomes (queue dad joke) digestible.
Seems JBH (a UK-based content marketing agency) noticed this, too, based upon its cocktail-inspired guide to content marketing.
What they’ve so beautifully done, is compared different content marketing formats to cocktails, and then dissected them into their different components — or rather, ingredients.
So a blog post, for example, can be compared to a daiquiri — simply combine 1 part strong examples, 1 part consistency and 1 part specialist industry knowledge, and you’ve got yourself a totally delicious recipe for success.
Are we missing any cocktails? Let us know in the comments?

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