A quick Google search reveals that there are over 2 million blog posts published every day. That works out to about 15 million posts per week, and over 700 million posts per year. Can you even? Because I sure can’t…
Not surprisingly, finding the content that’s relevant to you (not to mention well written and thoroughly researched) can be quite the challenge. Which is why when you stumble upon a well written and thoroughly researched roundup post, you’re all, “YAS, YAS, YAS, YAS!”
As content marketers, publishing high-quality roundup posts can do wonders for your metrics, not to mention you’ll be doing your readers a solid by giving them the content they’re searching for.
But what exactly makes a great roundup post? The folks at Siege Media have the answer, and they’ve packaged it up in a visually stunning infographic. So check it out, and help your readers find the best, most relevant content to them.

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