I want to try something different for this post by making it more of an informal online brainstorm. I’ll pose a topic and a few primary questions, then open it up to comments.
The more people that interact with their opinions, the better the post will become and I’ll re-incorporate them into the post as we go.
How Does/Will Social Media Affect Landing Page Conversion rates?
Social media is no longer the next big thing, it’s just simply an interaction medium that proliferates all aspects of online life. As such, it will naturally begin to infiltrate the discipline of internet marketing. How this happens is yet to be determined. There seem to be a few toes being dipped in the water, but it’s a little early to get a clear picture of where it’s headed and what’s been successful thus far.
And so, I have some questions:
Brainstorm Questions
If you have any opinions/answers, please comment below.
In what ways can you incorporate social media into a landing page?
There are a whole bunch of social media widgets that can be inserted into a landing page:
- Twitter streams
- Facebook updates
- Flickr photostreams
- Blog RSS
- YouTube Video?
- Etc.
What other examples are there?
What are the uses of each type?
Is there an exception to be made re: the single goal of a landing page?
Typically a landing page should be highly focused on a single goal. However, I believe there is value in using a secondary “Safety Net” call to action (CTA) that captures the people who are not quite ready to convert. An example of this would be “Follow me on Twitter”. This allows you to maintain a post-bounce connection with the visitor, and lets them commit to something less intimidating than the Buy Now button.
What do you think about this concept?
What other examples are there when applied to different social media interactions?
What benefits are there to be gained from social media integration?
What strikes me initially is that social media integration can improve your landing pages in the following ways:
- Increased trust: social proof factors (e.g. a large following) can make you more credible
- A modern mindset: depending on your demographic and campaign topic it could enhance the appeal of your landing page
- The primary goal: If your primary goal is to grow your social network then inclusion of social interaction points is clearly relevant
What other benefits are there?
Please share your thoughts and experiences below.