The Recordings, Slides and Notes from Call to Action Conference 2015


Holy crap.

We just wrapped up this year’s Call to Action Conference and our heads are still reeling from all the actionable insights, testing ideas and networking/partying with some of the smartest conversion experts in the entire world.

We’re talking 400+ attendees, 22 speakers, 15 presentations, two live landing page teardowns and enough aha moments to explode your brain:

Enough CRO and marketing goodness to make you wanna bust a move.

…And then there was the brewery tour, zip-lining, exciting announcements, boat parties, after parties and way too much swag:

Enough with the not-so-humble brag.

If you couldn’t make it (or if you did and you just want some mo’), we’ve got a bundle of resources for you: all the presentation recordings, slides and comprehensive notes taken by our very own team of writers:

There you have it. A boatload of marketing content from some of the industry’s brightest minds. In the format of your choice. All fo’ free. It’ll make you feel like you were right there with us.

Uh, just try and pace yourself, okay? Hope you can still get outside this weekend.

Good luck.

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About Amanda Durepos
As Unbounce’s former blog editor, Amanda Durepos curated and crafted content to help marketers be better at their jobs. When she wasn't managing the editorial calendar for the Unbounce Blog, she was wrangling internal and external subject matter experts, helping them educate other marketers in an entertaining and actionable way. You can follow her on Twitter but she’s mostly just making puns.
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