The Marketing Optimization Manifesto [Typographic Essay]

Testing, insight, art, science, creativity. They are all part of the process of marketing optimization. Sometimes all you need are a few words to remind you that “every page can be better”. Read it, be inspired, share and start testing.

By WiderFunnel Marketing Optimization

And if you need your website and/or landing pages to convert better, WiderFunnel know what they’re talking about. For a start, check out their section of optimization case studies. (Note: don’t bug them unless you get a ton of traffic, they’re super skilled and as such work with some bigger clients).

— Oli Gardner

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About Oli Gardner
Unbounce co-founder Oli Gardner has seen more landing pages than anyone on the planet. He’s obsessed with identifying and reversing bad marketing practices, and his disdain for marketers who send campaign traffic to their homepage is legendary, resulting in landing page rants that can peel paint off an unpainted wall. A prolific international keynote speaker, Oli is on a mission to rid the world of marketing mediocrity by using data-informed copywriting, design, interaction, and psychology to create a more delightful experience for marketers and customers alike. He was recently named the "The 2018 Marketer to Watch," in the under 46 category, by his mother.
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