What? Wait a minute. I’m writing about landing pages? I AM a landing page. Try clicking me. If I were a car, I would be a convertible.
Ok, with my puns out of the way, we can move onto the serious stuff – how to create a successful landing page, and I’ll use an infographic (courtesy of Pardot) to show you how.
Below, the graphic covers 4 essential parts of the process you need to master in order to build a landing page that converts:
- Design & Layout: this part refers to the image on the right.
- A – Keep the branding and styles consistent with the experience people will receive after the click (if they are visiting your website for example).
- B – A strong value proposition that communicates immediately what you are offering and how it can benefit your visitor.
- C – Simple and easy to complete forms with a strong/descriptive call-to-action.
- D – No navigation! Those nasty page leaks have no business on a landing page.
- Form Essentials: Only ask for the essential information to limit the number of fields (lowering the barrier to conversion), and collect an email so that you can keep the conversation going.
- Providing Value: Three basic rules here; make your page relevant (are you appealing to your target audience?), valuable (is there a direct benefit, like a reward or special offer?), and timely (is your page being presented at the right stage of the sales cycle to nudge your prospect further down the funnel?).
- Analyze & Revise: Set goals, so that your landing page has a purpose. This helps you to measure the success of that goal (a conversion) and move into a revision (optimization) phase.
Many people think that landing pages are simple, and this is quite a simplistic look at how they should be created. But the reality is that there’s much more to a successful landing page, and that includes understanding your target market, matching your upstream ads, and optimizing the page to get the biggest conversion lift possible.
For a deeper look into where landing pages fit in the conversion funnel, and which elements should be included on your page, read “The 12-Step Landing Page Rehab Program“.
Enjoy the infographic.
You can change what gets tweeted before it goes out, so don’t be afraid to click.
- You only have a few seconds to capture visitor attention so optimized landing pages make a big difference
- Your CTA and value proposition should smack visitors in the face with obviousness
- Forms should be simple, easy to complete, and should be optimized to reduce the barrier to entry