[Brand Reveal] Let’s Make Extra Your New Normal

When we started Unbounce almost a decade ago, we were motivated by a clear vision: to help the world experience better marketing.

Many marketers didn’t have the resources to build awesome campaigns on their own, so we set out to make it easy. There was also just so much bad marketing out there—spammy, inauthentic, half-baked. We wanted to empower every marketer to deliver remarkable experiences, convert more traffic, and get unbelievable results.

But that’s only gotten harder over time.

You’ve noticed, right? Your cost-per-click is at an all-time high and Google keeps changing the rules, making you reactive instead of proactive. You’ve got data, but it’s hard to make any sense of it without a ton of manual work. You want your website to convert better, but you’re left relying on developers to help you execute and it sometimes slows you to a stop.

With all of this on your plate, it can feel almost impossible to run the campaigns you dream about—the insanely personalized, creative, segmented campaigns that drive leads and sales (not to mention your reputation and career). Through no fault of our own, us marketers can find ourselves shackled to task lists, dutifully checking off Trello board items, unintentionally falling into a routine where we’re going through the motions instead of launching campaigns we’re all truly psyched about.

Well, nuts to that. We want to reignite your enthusiasm for marketing—and we’re handing out the matches.

Here at Unbounce, we believe going above and beyond to get your best results is a choice. It’s pushing past the status quo to make something exceptional—not because you have to, but because you hold yourself to a crazy-high standard. It’s rejecting “good enough” and “maybe later” and leaving things better than you found them. Above all, it’s shattering expectations, including your own.

We want to team up with you—not just to make this easier, but to make it your default setting. We want to help make extra your new normal.

Unbounce Loves Extra

We have to admit: Seeing our customers do remarkable things—whether it’s slashing their cost-per-lead, obliterating their conversion targets, or designing incredible landing pages—is what really drives us. Your extra makes our extra want to extra, y’know?

Take Ari Gayer and Shivanie Barapatre, key members of the acquisition team at Zola (the hottest wedding planning and registry company out there). Instead of creating just one landing page in a Hail Mary attempt to target prospects, they broke down their services into several highly targeted pages: one for brides, for grooms, their registry, their branded partnerships—you name it. The result? A 5 to 20% lift in conversion rates across the board, plus a mountain of new leads. Ari and Shivanie went even further, using their conversion lessons to improve the Zola website and spur a monster number of ecommerce sales. Boom.

Then there’s Taylor Loren, Head of Content Marketing at Later. As the company’s first marketing hire, she took ownership of the Later blog and—through valuable, engaging content—grew monthly sessions from thirty thousand to more than a million in just two years. But Taylor didn’t stop there. She implemented landing pages as a core piece of Later’s acquisition strategy (as a means of offering up downloadable content) and generated a whopping hundred thousand new leads for the SaaS brand.

And Aditya Bagri? The Digital Marketing Strategist at Agency Within, Aditya and the team had a hunch that websites would limit the number of conversions they could acquire for their big-name ecomm apparel clients, so they used Unbounce to build stunning, detailed landing pages instead. Just take a look at this one for Greats, or this one for Twillory. With slick visuals and gripping copy, these pages became an unforgettable first touch and created a lasting brand impression. Seriously—we’re in awe.

Each of these marketers is making a choice. They’re showing up to take their marketing to the next level, and they’ve got the results to back it up. This is what choosing extra looks like.

We’re Celebrating Extraordinary Marketers

Today at Unbounce, we’re making some visual changes to bring your over-and-above work to the forefront of the Unbounce brand. (Maybe you noticed our snazzy new site?)

Yeah, we know: Everyone and their barista seems to be doing a brand refresh these days. But over the past couple years, it became clear that our brand identity wasn’t totally aligned with how our customers view us, or with how we view ourselves. Unbounce is all about extra, but our look didn’t scream that. This realization kicked off a thorough reworking (led by our amazing internal team) that brought us to what you see now: visuals that celebrate you, the extraordinary marketers on our platform.

(You can read about Unbounce’s brand redesign here.)

*Infomercial voice* But that’s not all. You can help us celebrate the extraordinary marketers in your life while (at the same time) supporting an important charity. That’s why we’ve partnered with PeaceGeeks, a nonprofit organization that builds digital tools to empower communities in the pursuit of peace. When you applaud your teammates for their tremendous work on LinkedIn or Twitter, we’ll donate five minutes of our time to collaborating with PeaceGeeks and creating awareness for their cause. You can learn more about this initiative and join in here.

Choose Extra with Unbounce

Now, not everyone chooses extra. Some companies promise false shortcuts and snake oil solutions. Some people are a-okay with bumping along in their day-to-day, leaving amazing work to the Don Draper-types of the world.

But that’s not us. We think marketing should be exciting and powerful (and something tells us that’s why you got into your gig in the first place, too). We’re like that kid who’s always got their hand up. “Chill out, Unbounce.” We can’t. And if you’re sitting in the front row, too—always giving it your all, refusing to do just the bare minimum—then you’re our kind of people.

Together, we can help the world experience better marketing, because it is possible. It starts with making the choice. To keep going above and beyond for your business. To challenge the status quo for your clients.

Together, let’s make extra your new normal.

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About Garrett Hughes
Garrett was formerly the head of Unbounce’s content team. When he’s not tap-tappin' on his keyboard, you might catch him out on the slopes, poking around fantasy hockey forums, or on a low-key adventure with his very-good-boy, Benson.
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