Sometimes you can lose an element on your landing page as you work in the editor. Often it’s become too small to find or grab (for moving around) – or maybe it’s moved behind another object.
The simplest way to deal with this is to open the “Page Contents” panel on the left side of the editor.
It’s a little bit hidden away, but if you look to the left when you are editing a page you’ll see a black line with an arrow – click this to expand the left panel.
Now you will see a tree structure which shows the hierarchical layout of your landing page in terms of the elements on the page.
You can double-click on them to edit the name (for organization) – or you can click them once to make them selected. Now if you mouse back over the central editing area, you’ll see your page element highlighted with the familiar dashed line – enabling you to move it around (drag or nudge with the arrow keys – use Shift + arrow keys to nudge by 10px at a time). And you can now also delete the element if you want to get rid of it.