Pay-Per-Click ads (for high commercial intent keywords) are taking over Google search results.
Q: What is a “high commercial intent keyword”?
A: They are keyword searches that show a more specific desire to purchase
An example would be where a searcher is looking to buy a product or service, like: “buy cordless phone”.
Whereas most organic searches that don’t have high commercial intent are less likely to receive as many PPC ads on the results page (SERP). Examples of low commercial intent would be more research based like “Who is Thomas Edison?” or “When is the election?”.
Research by Wordstream found that for these valuable, high commercial intent keyword searches, paid search advertising listings gave the “free” organic search listings a resounding beat-down.
Google is clearly making a big attempt to differentiate the two and the infographic below shows some really interesting numbers on the amount of screen real-estate being taken over by PPC for the commercial intent searches.
Note: Don’t forget to tweet the awesome “smartypants” stats at the end of the post.
Tweetable Facts
Wanna sound smart? Then tweet these PPC facts. And don’t worry, you’ll get the chance to change them before they are tweeted to your a/c.
- Sponsored ads on high commercial intent keywords take up 85.2% of above-the-fold pixels [Infographic]
»Click to Tweet« - Google ad CTR on high commercial intent queries are up to 600 times higher than on #Facebook [#PPC Infographic]
»Click to Tweet« - Clicks on paid search listings beat organic clicks by nearly a 2:1 margin for keywords with high commercial intent
»Click to Tweet« - 45.5% of people couldn’t identify paid ads on a search results page (#SERP) if there wasn’t a right column
»Click to Tweet« - Organic search results for high commercial intent keywords a/c for just 14.8% of above-the-fold pixels [Infographic]
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