An Infographic About Infographics (We Need to Go Deeper)

People love infographics. They’re easy to digest and even easier to share.

But if you’re going to take the time to design and push one out into the world, you want to do it right (right?).

Well, our friends over at OneSpot put together a pretty meta infographic about how to, well, do infographics well.


Peep the meta infographic below.


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About Amanda Durepos
As Unbounce’s former blog editor, Amanda Durepos curated and crafted content to help marketers be better at their jobs. When she wasn't managing the editorial calendar for the Unbounce Blog, she was wrangling internal and external subject matter experts, helping them educate other marketers in an entertaining and actionable way. You can follow her on Twitter but she’s mostly just making puns.
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