It’s day 4 of our infographic week based on the The Ultimate Guide to Marketing with Infographics, and I’ll be sharing our third infographic example using the 12 steps that make marketing data visualization easier. This time we’re comparing inbound and outbound marketing – a good topic for debate between old and new-school marketers.
And don’t forget the tweetable facts taken from the infographic at the end of the post.
Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing – Another Argument! Awesome.
It’s a classic old vs. new battle, so let’s look at the differences of each approach:
Inbound Marketing
First of all – What is Inbound Marketing?
- You earn people’s interest instead of buying it: Generally by producing quality content that you give away for free (or for lead data) to help their business solve a legitimate problem. #WIN
- Customers come to you: By creating quality content you generate inbound links and high SEO value that last far longer than short campaign based marketing.
- It’s unobtrusive: Over 200 million Americans alone, have registered on the FTC’s “do not call me ” phone registry. So if you market nicely you can still reach people.
Outbound Marketing
This is tough cos I’m not a fan of outbound marketing, but here goes:
- You’re pushing your product or service on a customer #FAIL – which makes them think of you as spammy. Told you this would be hard.
- Outbound marketing costs more. Okay, I’m done. Outbound marketing sucks. I can’t defend or encourage it. So let’s just jump to the infographic.
The most interesting part of this post will be the tweetable quotes at the end that pull data from the infographic, so be sure to check them out and share them on Twitter.
Tweetable Facts
- Inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than outbound marketing
» tweet this « - The amount of money spent on company blogs and social media had doubled in the last year
» tweet this « - 57% of businesses have acquired customers through their company blog and 42% through Twitter
» tweet this «
Infographic provided by pamorama.net
Tweetable Facts
- Inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than outbound marketing
» tweet this « - The amount of money spent on company blogs and social media had doubled in the last year
» tweet this « - 57% of businesses have acquired customers through their company blog and 42% through Twitter
» tweet this «
3 Inbound Marketing Posts You Should Read
- Seven Inbound Marketing Takeaways from Jedi Master Yoda
- Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing (and Oldie but a goodie)
- Hubspot even has a university for it!