In our “Ultimate Guide to Marketing With Infographics” we covered all the ways you can leverage them to extend their reach (rather than letting them simply appear once in a blog post and fade away).
It covered:
- Creation vs. curation
- Researching data sources
- Embed codes for easy sharing
- Virality using social recycling via a landing page
- Making them Pinnable with Pinterest
- A PDF and much more…
Today we’ll dig into the stats behind why infographics are so effective as a marketing tool. As you’ll notice from the graphic above, people are searching for infographics like crazy! An 800% increase in searches on Google in just the last two years.
And if you read on, you’ll see a lot of crazy stats about how the human brain and our eyes perceive imagery and the affect it has on how we interact with content.
Oh, and there are some nice tweetable stats taken from the infographic at the end of the post, ready and waiting for you (you’ll be able to change what they say before tweeting them too).

Tweetable Stats
Share these quotes on Twitter so people know you’re smart:
- Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an average of 12% more than those that don’t
» Tweet This « - In just over 2 years, infographic search volumes increased over 800%
» Tweet This « - 99% of all sensory information is filtered out by the brain almost immediately
» Tweet This « - Visuals are processed 60,000x faster in the brain than text
» Tweet This « - 65% of the population are visual learners
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