The 7 Principles of Conversion-Centered Design [Free 56-Page Ebook]

I’d like to meet the person who goes into IKEA to pick up a new fridge and walks out with only the fridge. If you’re like me, you inevitably wind up with a car full of junk products, an ice cream in one hand and two hotdogs in the other.

That’s because IKEA stores aren’t designed to help you achieve a single goal.

That’s a pretty crappy attention ratio. Image credit: ALEXANDER LEONOV via

They don’t care about the “optimal route” to the cash register — they want you to snake in and out of the showrooms. They want you to stop and fantasize about chopping imaginary vegetables on their impeccable countertops.

If you’re shopping for a new fridge and you know that’s all you need, you’re better off going to an appliance showroom, where the goal is clear: Get your gadget and get out.

This focus on a singular goal is the same focus that lies at the heart of our latest ebook, written by Unbounce co-founder Oli Gardner:

Maximize Conversions Using Conversion-Centered Design

Download this ebook and become an expert at building delightful, high-converting marketing campaigns.
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For a marketer, conversion means convincing a visitor to do one thing and one thing only. Not one of many things, not accomplishing it in under seven seconds, not successfully navigating from one point to another — just completing a single business-driven objective.

In Conversion-Centered Design (CCD), Oli helps you design experiences that guide the visitor towards completing that one specific action, using persuasive design and psychological triggers to increase conversions. In other words, it’s about persuasion.

And as you’ll learn, persuading your prospects to take the desired action you want them to take doesn’t have to be difficult (especially when you’re not distracting them with 99¢ hotdogs).

You’ll learn:

  • The theory behind each of the 7 CCD principles (Attention, Context, Clarity, Congruence, Credibility, Closing, Continuance) and how they affect conversion rates.
  • How to leverage the principles to create and optimize high-converting marketing campaigns.
  • Why landing pages are instrumental to improving the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

You can grab the framework as a downloadable ebook above, or check out the content on our interactive site here.

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About Amanda Durepos
As Unbounce’s former blog editor, Amanda Durepos curated and crafted content to help marketers be better at their jobs. When she wasn't managing the editorial calendar for the Unbounce Blog, she was wrangling internal and external subject matter experts, helping them educate other marketers in an entertaining and actionable way. You can follow her on Twitter but she’s mostly just making puns.
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