Eliminate Jargon on Your Landing Pages With Our Free Chrome Extension

What would you think if you wound up on this landing page?

jargon-filled-landing-page copy

Check out some of the terms being used:

“The Next Generation of Awesome”
“Bleeding edge solution”
“Age of disruption”
“World class features”

Might your BS detector start going off?

These words are superlatives — meaningless filler. The language is flowery (and not in a good way).

And while this is an extreme example, jargonistic, superlative-laden landing pages are everywhere.

They lack specificity and don’t drive home any message. They aren’t persuasive and their unique value proposition is a blur. They make people feel lost  — like they just crawled out of a fallout shelter for the first time in 35 years.

Wait, where am I?

The worst part? You could have meaningless drivel on your landing page and not even know it.

No sweat. We created a Chrome extension that can help (props to Henneke Duistermaat who inspired this whole idea with her post 17 Words to Stop Using on Your Landing Pages).

Here’s how it works:

Too late! The dejargonator was not compatible with the latest versions of Chrome and has been removed from the store.
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About Amanda Durepos
As Unbounce’s former blog editor, Amanda Durepos curated and crafted content to help marketers be better at their jobs. When she wasn't managing the editorial calendar for the Unbounce Blog, she was wrangling internal and external subject matter experts, helping them educate other marketers in an entertaining and actionable way. You can follow her on Twitter but she’s mostly just making puns.
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