We’ve just tested out an exciting new integration with the guys over at Visual Website Optimizer, which adds the capability for you to run multivariate testing (MVT) on your Unbounce landing pages! It also has built-in visual heatmaps and clickmaps to show you where your visitors are interacting with your page.
What is Multivariate Testing?
Multivariate testing lets you test multiple elements on your page. Separate pages are then created for each unique combination of the content you’re testing and an experiment is performed to uncover the best converting combination. For example, if you have 2 variations of your headline (items a & b), and 2 versions of your call to action (items c & d), you would have 4 new page variants (a+c, a+d, b+c, b+d).
Adding Visual Website Optimizer to Unbounce is as simple as pasting a few scripts into your landing page (and on your destination website) and just like Unbounce, it comes with an excellent visual editor that removes the pain of other MVT tools like Google Website Optimizer.
Should I Click on That? 3 Reasons Why Heatmaps Are Cool (or Hot)
Heatmaps let you visualize the areas of your landing page that are being clicked the most. For your average single CTA landing page this will be a fairly straightforward view (all the heat should be drawn to your button), but there are other instances where this can be useful to understand the behaviour of your visitors:
- Uncovering design flaws: Sometimes, page elements can be designed to look interactive when they shouldn’t be. Common design faux pas include; underlining text for empahsis when it isn’t a link or making an area of the page stand out using beveled or button-like edges when it’s not really a button. By looking at a heatmap of your page, you’ll discover if people are clicking where they shouldn’t, and you can address those design issues to get higher conversions (and less confused visitors.
- Which button is the favourite? On a long sales letter landing page, conversion centered design rules state that you should repeat your call to action (CTA) as you progress down the page. This reinforces the conversion message and provides an interaction point at the time when the visitor has been convinced to convert. With a heatmap you can start to understand at which point in your message people are starting to “get it”.
- Microsites: If you are stringing several landing pages together to create a small microsite, you will have multiple navigation points. The heatmaps will show you which areas are being used most to navigate, and which pages are drawing the most attention.