Well more like 15 – but you get where I’m coming from. In this post we’ll look at the power of imagery and the effect it has on people – specifically in regard to the surge of infographic usage. Personally I think it comes down to four things:
- People like data visualization and can more easily interpret a chart or stat than a paragraph of text
- They are a great source of free content for your blog – see our “Ultimate Guide to Marketing with Infograhics“
- By searching for infographics, you can find free data that would otherwise only be privvy to those who pay for it
- Infographics also make great marketing tools
Breaking the infographic below down a bit, it covers the following concepts:
- The shift to visuals: Pinterest is having a huge impact on the use of imagery, and is a valuable research resource if you need images. It’s also now the 3rd most popular social network, which says something about it’s rate of growth.
- How images affect articles: The key here is relevancy. Apparently articles with relevant images have 94% more views than those without. And apparently certain content categories benefit more than others, with the top 3 being: news, politics and sports.
- How images affect press materials: Adding photos, videos and other media to your plain text press releases can boost online views by 77%, according to an analysis of over 10,000 press releases by PR Newswire.
- How images affect local search: When searching, 60% of consumers are more likely to consider or contact a business that has an image next to the search result.
- How images affect e-commerce: When you’re selling a product via e-commerce, image quality is paramount – especially given how much comparison shopping there is. With 67% of consumers saying that the quality of a product image is very important in selecting and purchasing a product, it’s clear that price isn’t the only factor.
- How images affect social engagement: Facebook posts with images have more engagement than any other type. I can vouch for that, as we see a huge difference on the Unbounce Facebook page for the number of likes, comments and shares when we are posting an image vs. a link to a blog post.
Images greatly affect blog posts by chunking the content into nice segments. And with the proliferation of tools like the Meme Generator, imagery is playing a big part in adding a humorous element to posts.
Pssst: Check out the tweetable stats at the bottom of the page:
Tweetable Facts
You can change what gets tweeted before it goes out, so don’t be afraid to click.
- Articles with images get 94% more views than those without.
- 67% of consumers say that the quality of the product image is very important in their buying decision.
- Pinterest is already the 3rd most popular social network, and it’s solely based on images. So start pinning.